Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Live For Today, Not For Tomorrow



This is not saying you shouldn't think about your future plans and goals. God knows we all need goals to be able to achieve success in the future. What I am saying is to embrace today as if tomorrow is non existent. Nobody is promised tomorrow. We could be perfectly healthy and God forbid something were to happen to us or to our loved ones and friends. Don't focus on things you can't control. Life has a crazy way of working itself out if you think positive.

The past may be hard to forget but think about it, the past is called the "past" for a reason. We need to get "PAST" it. I believe we go through things because we need to learn from it to mold us in the direction we are meant to go. Maybe someone in our life may cross our path that may need help or advice that we could help with since we have experienced it. We have opportunities everyday to help someone who isn't as fortunate or is going through something. Why not take today to do something good for someone that may impact them tremendously?

Work is money and we all need money to live the kind of lifestyle we all want to live. But don't get caught up just working and trying to make that money that you don't take time for your friends, family and most importantly yourself. Money really just masks, it doesn't really fulfill. If it did, actors and rich people wouldn't need to get high on drugs, go through emotional problems and be miserable in the background.

We should all embrace today as if there is no tomorrow. Diseases pop up, physical limitations may take place, stress slowly steals your life away, you may be healthy one day and a find out you have cancer the next. So why not just celebrate life everyday, take some time to enjoy this broad beautiful world and they beauty in it. Why stress about tomorrow when you have today to live for? Why be in relationships that make you more unhappy than happy. Letting it suck every energy and health you have left that could later be used for good? Why befriend people who really do nothing for you but suck the positive energy out of you? Why keep that job that makes you miserable when you can find something better or work to get something better for you?

Alot of people put themselves in the same situations because they refuse to change anything that will change their situation. I am a witness. I stayed in a nasty relationship for four years to the point where it cost me emotionally and physically and now I regret not taking everyday of my life as serious as I take my kids lives. Yes it may be hard making change when it is so comfortable. But life can be so much better if you make the changes and stop settling. Realize you are better than that, don't let low self esteem or depression tell you different. Everyone is given a door to open no matter their situation.

You can either be positive or negative, you can either dwell in what your going through physically or enjoy the day you are given and do something with it. You can keep the poisonous friends in your life or make new ones that will motivate you more in life. We can move around our lives the same way we can in the board game "LIFE". Choices impact us. Choose to live today, not tomorrow or yesterday. Today is what moves us into tomorrow.

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